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How Drone-in-a-box systems revolutionize border security

In the turbulent world of contemporary geopolitical debates, ensuring the inviolability of state borders has become an integral aspect of national security. It is undeniable that borders represent fundamental elements of sovereignty, relations between states, and the stability of regional and global orders. However, existing border security practices are far from perfect and face many challenges.

In the pursuit of border security, States around the world have invested heavily in a variety of activities and technologies. The amount of money allocated to border security varies depending on a country's size, geography, threat level and security priorities. For example, in the United States, the federal budget for securing the border with Mexico reaches many billions of dollars annually. The Border Security and Infrastructure Programme has allocated more than $18 billion to support Customs and Border Protection, including drone deployment, procurement of surveillance and control equipment, and personnel training. Total border security costs may also include the cost of maintaining physical barriers, maintaining border posts and customs checkpoints, and paying salaries and training for security personnel.

More than a decade ago, the European Union decided to introduce unmanned aerial vehicles for border protection. In recent years, aerial surveillance drones have been patrolling national borders on the Balkan coast. The EU programme includes the availability of quadcopters as necessary equipment for border guard services and their use for surveillance and control purposes. Tests related to the use of drones for border surveillance have been conducted in France and Italy.

Last year, media reports citing Israeli Defence Ministry officials said the country's Air Force was deploying unmanned aerial systems to monitor a 250-kilometer stretch of the border with Egypt. There is also ongoing monitoring of other sections of the border, with special attention being paid to the border with Lebanon and the long Mediterranean coastline.

China has also been active in implementing UAV programmes. Unmanned systems are being used in Liaoning Province to secure the border with North Korea. China plans to establish two UAV bases on the coast of the South China Sea in the near future.
In Asia and Africa, border security expenditures also represent a significant portion of many states' budgetary allocations. However, the amount of funding can vary considerably depending on specific conditions, threat levels and security priorities. In many Asian countries, such as China and India, border security is a critical element of national security. In the case of Africa, spending on border security may be more limited due to financial constraints and the specificities of the political situation.
However, some African countries are also investing in border reinforcement to combat terrorist threats, illegal migration and smuggling. For example, countries in the Sahara and Sahel region, such as Nigeria, Mali and Niger, are actively working with international partners and organizations such as the European Union and the United Nations to strengthen their borders and combat cross-border threats. Spending on border control in South Africa totalled R3.3 billion ($176 million) in 2023, 0.13% of the country's budget.

The allocation of financial resources for border security is a priority for many countries, as securing national borders is of strategic importance to national security and sovereignty. Efficient use of funds, including investment in modern technologies such as commercial drones for security, can optimize costs and increase the effectiveness of border management activities.

Border-related challenges range from migration flows and illegal crossings to smuggling and terrorist attacks. Rapid advances in technology and the transition to the digital age are exacerbating these challenges, providing criminal elements with new tools and opportunities for action. In the context of the current challenges, standard border security methods based on physical presence and static surveillance systems are showing their limitations.

In this context, the use of UAV drones, or autonomous drone systems, for border security brings a new era in state security. Unmanned aerial vehicles have a number of technical features that allow them to overcome many of the limitations of traditional methods.

Fixed cameras and guards play an important role in securing national borders, but they also have their disadvantages:

Limited visibility: Fixed cameras have a limited field of view and may not cover the entire border, especially if it is long or passes through a complex territorial landscape.

Ease of deception: Some unscrupulous individuals can circumvent fixed cameras by knowing their location and weaknesses, or by using camouflage techniques to avoid detection.

Danger to guards: Guards working at the border may be exposed to a variety of dangers, including attacks, terrorist attacks or adverse weather conditions.

Social and occupational constraints: Guards may face social and occupational constraints such as fatigue, stress, or the inability to fully supervise for long periods of time.

High operational costs: Maintaining and maintaining fixed cameras and personnel requires significant financial outlays, including salaries, training, maintenance, and equipment upgrades.

Vulnerability to technical failures: Fixed cameras can be vulnerable to technical failures, such as equipment failure, power failures or communication failures, which can temporarily disrupt border security.

All these shortcomings emphasize the need to develop and implement modern and innovative border security methods, such as the use of surveillance drones, to complement and improve existing systems and enhance the control and security of national borders.

Both multi-rotor drones and fixed wing aircraft are used to secure the border perimeter. A fixed wing drone is always moving forward, and they move much faster than multi-rotor drones, so you may not be able to put it into hover mode. In most cases, a launcher and additional personnel are required to get a fixed wing drone into the air. In the case of the Microavia drone-in-a-box system, the drone automatically takes off on a mission, can approach an object, and hover over it. Thanks to its enhanced maneuverability, it can move up and down in a single vertical line, back and forth, sideways and rotate around its axis.
Why are Microavia autonomous drone-in-a-box solutions effective for securing borders?
Continuous operation 24/7: Microavia drone wastes no time charging the battery, you don't have to wait for it to recharge. The drone-in-a-box system is arranged in such a way that it only takes 90 seconds to replace the battery and the drone is ready for operations again and again.

Centralized flight management: Microavia drone-in-a-box system integrates with other security systems and is remotely controlled. Fully autonomous operation with centralized control center. Operation without Internet access for maximum security.

Wider area coverage: Autonomous drones can cover much larger areas of the border than fixed cameras or guards. This allows large areas of the border to be effectively controlled and monitored without the need to deploy large numbers of personnel. Scalable system architecture, each unit covers an area up to 10x10km.

Rapid incident response: Drones can react quickly to detect border violations and quickly switch between different areas for surveillance. This enables rapid response to potential threats and prevents incidents.

Autonomous patrolling: Autonomous drones can be programmed to autonomously patrol specific routes along the border, reducing the need for constant operator control. This also ensures more efficient use of resources and reduces the likelihood of potential intruders being missed.

Detection and identification technologies: UAVs can be equipped with advanced detection and identification technologies such as thermal imaging cameras, night vision systems and radar, making them more effective in detecting hidden or nocturnal intruders.

Reduced risk to personnel: The use of a remote control drone reduces the risk to border personnel as they can conduct surveillance from the air without the need to be in dangerous areas.

Automating the process of using drones to secure borders will allow for more accurate and efficient surveillance of the territory, as well as a quick response to any incidents. Smart drone systems can be programmed to detect suspicious activity, automatically follow objects, and transmit real-time data to a control center. In addition to increasing efficiency and speed of response, automating the process will also reduce the likelihood of human error and reduce the need for a large number of operators. This will significantly save resources and improve overall border security.

Advances in unmanned aerial technologies and artificial intelligence are opening up new perspectives for improving drone functionality and integrating them into border control systems. Autonomous drone-in-a-box with remote control are a modern and effective border security solution that can significantly improve the security and control of national borders.

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